London’s Top Choice: Award-Winning Clinic for Exceptional Eye Care

Cataracts surgery
Cataracts surgery – when do I need to have it?

Do I need cataracts surgery?

Did you know that cataracts affect around 50% of people over the age of 65? As cataracts is a progressive condition, you may have surgery at any stage or if it has started to affect your vision and quality of life. Currently, there are no known ways to prevent cataracts, however, it is so important that you attend your regular eye tests so that it is picked up as soon as possible.

Here are 6 signs that it might be time to have cataracts surgery:

  • Clouded vision
  • Changes in colours (may not notice this if affecting both eyes equally)
  • Glared vision when driving
  • Trouble with reading
  • Regular glasses prescription changes
  • Double vision or ‘ghosting’ of images

If you suspect that you have cataracts, it is important that you go and see your GP or optician. If it is believed that your vision can be improved with glasses or contact lens, then surgery can be delayed. When the cataracts worsen and start to affect your day-to-day life, surgery should be considered.

How does cataracts surgery work?

Cataracts surgery involves removing the cataracts and then inserting an artificial lens into the eye; this will generally only take around 10-15 minutes. The patient will stay awake during the surgery and will have a local anaesthetic in the eye to ensure that they feel no pain. Once the surgery has been completed patients can leave around 1 hour after and will need to use special eye drops for a few weeks. More than 99% of people that have surgery will see improvement in their vision.

If you would like to speak to our team about cataracts surgery, please give our team a call on  020 7000 3193  or email us at

This article is intended to inform and give insight but not treat, diagnose or replace the advice of a doctor. Always seek medical advice with any questions regarding a medical condition.


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