London’s Top Choice: Award-Winning Clinic for Exceptional Eye Care

In the media

Our skilled consultants are among the best in the world have been featured featured in the media for various accomplishments.

Mr Vik Sharma is recognised internationally as one of the top Ophthalmic Surgeons in the United Kingdom providing expert comments and an authoritative and respected voice in the world of ophthalmology.

Mr Vik Sharma is regularly featured in the media for his medical insight and surgical expertise.

As a top rated Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Glaucoma Specialist surgeon, Mr Vik Sharma has been featured in and interviewed for numerous magazine articles, newspaper stories and radio shows.

If you are a journalist looking for a Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Glaucoma Specialist to feature in an article or media production that you are working on, then please send an enquiry to our marketing and PR department on our contact us page.

Learn more about Mr Vik Sharma by visiting his website


Ricky Gervais' partner Jane Fallon shares plea to others as she has surgery to save her sight.

Optician Online

In focus: United against glaucoma.


I’m an eye expert – here’s how I keep my vision sharp.


Most people are unaware of the symptoms of a serious condition that is one of the leading causes of blindness, health officials have revealed.

Birmingham Mail

84 per cent of people don't know the signs of serious condition which can send you blind.

Pick me up!

Instant appointment with specialist eye consultant Vik Sharma at London Ophthalmology Centre.

Optician Online

UK cities ‘most likely to have eye tests’.

Health Matters

National Eye Health Survey Shows Vast Majority of the UK Population are Unaware of Early Symptoms of Glaucoma including Headaches, Nausea and Halos around Lights.

Eye News

1/3 UK considering laser eye surgery but majority unaware it's non-reversible and affects night vision.

Wellbeing Magazine

Over 100,000 thousand people in the UK have laser eye surgery (LASIK) every year with many of them opting for this surgery without knowing about other potentially safer, better and more permanent solutions.

Optician Online

A survey of more than a thousand UK adults found that a third of respondents were considering having laser eye surgery, but many were unaware that results are non-reversible.

The Science Times

6-Month-Old's Eyes Turn Deep Blue After COVID-19 Treatment With Antiviral Favipiravir; What Could Cause This Bizarre Effect?

Candis Magazine

You can opt for treatment at the first sign of trouble says founder of LondonOC, Vik Sharma.

The Express

Early symptom of eye condition that gets worse at night - could cause vision loss.

The Daily Mail

The lens implant that saved Ricky Gervais's partner Jane Fallon from going blind.

The Daily Mail

The ten minute procedure that could help thousands: We look at the new operation that could help those struggling after their glaucoma surgery.

Glamour Magazine

A definitive guide to styes and how to get rid of one.

The Daily Mail

How a tube the width of a hair saved Michael Rosen’s eyesight: Famous poet reveals he was days from losing his vision after waking from a Covid coma.

The Express

Covid symptoms: Link between eye inflammation and COVID-19 – expert weighs in.

Wellbeing News

Half the UK Population Don’t Have Regular Eye Tests & 1 in 5 are completely unaware of Glaucoma.

BBC News

Sunbed lovers are 'risking their eyesight'.

First Post

Glaucoma can now be treated with a simple injection, say eye doctors.

Irish News

Glaucoma op that cuts pressure in eye - without the irritating tube.

Surrey Life

Married couple see each other’s physical flaws for first time in years after eye surgery.

Choice Magazine

London Ophthalmology Centre has commissioned a National Eye Health Survey.

Eye News

87% of UK unaware they can have cataract surgery immediately and don't have to suffer with declining vision.

The Ophthalmologist

Specialist glaucoma and cataract surgeon, Vik Sharma, discusses the importance of raising public knowledge about cataract surgery.

London TV

Two-thirds of the UK Public are Completely Unaware of Most Early Signs of Cataracts such as Seeing ‘Halos’ around Lights and Sensitivity to Glare at Night.

Contact LondonOC

Our prestigious private eye clinic is based in the heart of London's world-famous Harley Street. With in-house diagnostic and treatment facilities, you won't need to look any further.

Outpatients (Clinic Appointments)

99 Harley Street, London, W1G 6AQ

Ophthalmology Surgery Centre

13-14 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AH


Phone: 020 4572 5622

Phone: 0800 7569993

We are open from Monday - Friday 9am-7pm

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