If you are suffering from and are worried about cataracts, you might be thinking about visiting a cataracts clinic. There is no better place than London Ophthalmology Centre’s cataracts clinic on Harley Street. We are a consultant only service not just consultant led with over 60 years of combined experience, meaning that all our patients will receive the highest quality of care available.
Cataracts are very common; it’s estimated around 2.5 million people aged over 65 have cataracts and it’s the main cause of impaired vision worldwide.
When cloudy patches appear in your vision, it prevents the light from extending to the back of your eyes which can cause impaired vision. A common misconception is that the cataract is like a “film” or “skin” that has grown over the eye, and this simply is not true. The fact is, if you're suffering from a cataract, then the lens itself has gone cloudy. Causes for cataracts can vary but you may be at higher risk if you're over 60, have trauma in the eye, diabetes and sometimes genetics can be a factor.
This is what you should expect when you visit our cataracts clinic on Harley Street:
- Your dedicated consultant will be with you before, during and after the treatment - guaranteed
- Your surgery will be undertaken with the latest diagnostic and surgery equipment including OCT biometry and corneal topography for accurate results
- Surgery is painless without any injections and usually takes less than 10 minutes
- You will have a choice of the best intraocular lenses (IOL) to give you perfect sight
If you would like to speak to our team about our cataracts clinic at Harley street, please call us on 020 7000 3193 or email us at reception@londonoc.co.uk
This article is intended to inform and give insight but not treat, diagnose or replace the advice of a doctor. Always seek medical advice with any questions regarding a medical condition.