London’s Top Choice: Award-Winning Clinic for Exceptional Eye Care

Glaucoma laser

Glaucoma laser, or SLT, is a state-of-the-art treatment that is used to treat patients that are suffering from glaucoma or high eye pressure. Glaucoma occurs when there is a high pressure within the eye. The worry with glaucoma is that there are often no symptoms until the condition has developed.  Initial treatment option includes daily drops in the eye to lower the pressure, which may make the eye more red or uncomfortable or may become no longer effective. As an alternative, and many times a better initial option maybe glaucoma laser. SLT laser is safe and usually has less side effects than most drops. 

This method of treatment has been around for over 25 years, however recent advances in medical technology have meant that this treatment has become significantly more successful and much less invasive, giving outstanding results. 

Who is a good candidate for glaucoma laser? 

Glaucoma laser is suitable for patients suffering from primary or secondary open angle glaucoma or patients that need to have their intraocular pressure lowered.

How does glaucoma laser work?

Laser energy is applied into the front area of the eye. This causes chemical and biological changes inside of the drainage angle, which helps the eye to drain excess fluid. In 75% of patients this will help to reduce the pressure in the eye. It is important to note that it can take 1-2 months for this treatment to be fully effective. 

Glaucoma laser will not restore lost vision, however stop the condition from becoming worse.

Once the surgery is done you are free to go home and there are no restrictions afterwards. Your eyes may be more sensitive to light for a day or two after treatment. Please ensure that you attend your check-ups. If you have any concerns before your check up, contact us.

The risks associated with glaucoma laser are very low. In some cases, there may be an increase in pressure after the treatment, however this should start to drop as your eye recovers. Before you go ahead with any treatment, your doctor will go over all the treatment options available to you and the risks that are associated with them, you should make sure you ask any questions you may have and completely understand the process.

This article is intended to inform and give insight but not treat, diagnose or replace the advice of a doctor. Always seek medical advice with any questions regarding a medical condition.

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