London’s Top Choice: Award-Winning Clinic for Exceptional Eye Care

Glaucoma specialist
Glaucoma specialist

A glaucoma specialist is an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) that specialises in treating glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease of the eye that can lead to permanent vision loss and blindness if left untreated. This is caused by damage to the optic nerve.

Glaucoma is usually picked up in routine eye tests done at the opticians by testing the pressure of the eye. Often glaucoma will be picked up before symptoms become noticeable.

It is important that you are referred to see a glaucoma specialist as soon as possible, as early treatment can stop the symptoms from worsening and having a severe effect on the vision.

The purpose of a glaucoma specialist is to control the symptoms and stop the disease from progressing. Unfortunately, glaucoma cannot be cured. Here are some of the different treatment options that your glaucoma specialist might offer you:

  • Eye drops – these are used to reduce the pressure within the eye. There are different types of eyedrops so they may be prescribed differently (some people have to trial a few before they find the right one).
  • SLT Laser treatment – this treatment option is offered to patients as first-line or that have not had the desired effect from the eye drops. This procedure reduces the pressure in the eye by opening the drainage tubes in the eye, allowing the fluid to move away from the eye. This painless procedure is carried out by a glaucoma specialist and is usually done while the patient is awake
  • Surgery – this will only be offered to patients that have not had symptom relief from the eye drops or laser treatment. There are many new Minimally Invasive Glaucoma surgeries (MIGS), which mimic the effect of the traditional procedure, called a trabeculectomy. During these procedures, new drainage pathways are created to lower the eye pressure.

It is important to remember that your specialist will go over all of the different treatments with you and make a decision based on your individual circumstances.

If you would like to book an appointment with a glaucoma specialist at London OC please call us on 020 7000 3193 or email

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